首先声明, 由于个人在写这个C#对象JSON序列化之前没有查看过相关JSON序列化的文章和书籍, 所以实现步骤和达到的效果可能与大家所知道的不一样,我的观点是,方便使用即可。 由于技术有限,这个类库会有一些遗漏的元素和不足之处, 如果有其他见解,还请不吝赐教。
在编写web应用程序的时候,我们经常会用到ajax技术,而在客户端与服务器进行ajax异步通信的时候,我们往往需要从客户端提交一些数据到服务器,或是从服务器响应一些数据给客户端,但由于客户端与服务器端的数据格式不统一, 所以我们无法直接将服务器端的C#对象直接发送给客户端,这时候我们就需要用到JSON对象。
主要方法:string Parse(静态方法),该方法有四个重载:
·Parse(params object[] datas)
·Parse(HgJSonItemArrayOption arrayOption, params object[] datas)
·Parse(bool convertOblique, params object[] datas)
·Parse(HgJSonItemArrayOption arrayOption, bool convertOblique, params object[] datas)
·HgJSonItemArrayOption.AllObject //将所有对象都封装为JavaScript数组
·HgJSonItemArrayOption.OnlyComplex //仅仅封装复杂对象为JavaScript数组(不论长度)
·HgJSonItemArrayOption.OnlyOriginal //仅仅封装初始传入对象为JavaScript数组(不论长度,但是长度大于1的C#数组对象还是会被封装为JavaScript数组)
·HgJSonItemArrayOption.OnlyComplexWithoutOriginal //仅仅封装复杂对象为JavaScript数组,如果初始传入对象的长度为1,那么就不封装初始传入对象
·HgJSonItemArrayOption.None //长度大于1的复杂对象封装为JavaScript数组
/** * Version : 1.0.1 * Author : Hourglass * Date : 2014-1-22 */using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Reflection;using System.Text;using System.Web;namespace HourglassHelper{ public static class HourglassJson { private static bool _convertOblique = true; private static HgJSonItemArrayOption _arrayOption = HgJSonItemArrayOption.None; private static bool isCurrentList = false; private static bool isPreviousList = false; ////// 将多个任意类型的对象转换为JSon对象 /// /// 需要被转换的JSon对象 ///JSon字符串值 public static string Parse(params object[] datas) { string hgJson; if (datas.Length > 1 || _arrayOption == HgJSonItemArrayOption.OnlyOriginal) { hgJson = ArrayToHgJson(datas); } else { if (datas.Length == 1 && typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(datas[0].GetType())) { hgJson = ArrayToHgJson(datas); hgJson = "[" + hgJson.Trim('[', ']') + "]"; } else { hgJson = ConvertAsHgJson(datas[0]); } if (_arrayOption == HgJSonItemArrayOption.OnlyComplexWithoutOriginal) { hgJson = hgJson.Remove(0, 1).Remove(hgJson.Length - 2, 1); } } return hgJson; } ////// 将多个任意类型的对象转换为JSon对象 /// /// 是否不论传入数据个数是否大于1,始终将JSON保存为数组,默认false /// 需要被转换的JSon对象 ///JSon字符串值 public static string Parse(HgJSonItemArrayOption arrayOption, params object[] datas) { _arrayOption = arrayOption; return Parse(datas); } ////// 将多个任意类型的对象转换为JSon对象 /// /// 是否需要将字符串中的'/'替换为'//',默认true /// 需要被转换的JSon对象 ///JSon字符串值 public static string Parse(bool convertOblique, params object[] datas) { if (datas.Length == 0) { return ConvertAsHgJson(convertOblique); } _convertOblique = convertOblique; return Parse(datas); } ////// 将多个任意类型的对象转换为JSon对象 /// /// 是否不论传入数据个数是否大于1,始终将JSON保存为数组,默认false /// 是否需要将字符串中的'/'替换为'//',默认true /// 需要被转换的JSon对象 ///JSon字符串值 public static string Parse(HgJSonItemArrayOption arrayOption, bool convertOblique, params object[] datas) { _arrayOption = arrayOption; _convertOblique = convertOblique; return Parse(datas); } ////// 将一个对象转换为自定义JSon对象 /// /// 需要被转换的对象 ///JSon字符串值 private static string ConvertAsHgJson(object item) { string jsonValue; if (item == null) { return "null"; } Type type = item.GetType(); string typeName = type.Name.ToLower(); switch (typeName) { case "string": case "char": case "datetime": if (_convertOblique) { jsonValue = "\"" + EasyTypeToHgJson(item).Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\""; } else { jsonValue = "\"" + EasyTypeToHgJson(item) + "\""; } break; case "byte": case "int16": case "int32": case "int64": case "uint16": case "uint32": case "uint64": case "boolean": case "single": case "double": case "decimal": jsonValue = EasyTypeToHgJson(item); break; default: { if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type)) {//实现IList(包括数组) isCurrentList = true; List
(function (window) { var json_parse = (function () { var at, // The index of the current character ch, // The current character escapee = { '"': '"', '\\': '\\', '/': '/', b: '\b', f: '\f', n: '\n', r: '\r', t: '\t' }, text, error = function (m) {// Call error when something is wrong. throw { name: 'SyntaxError', message: m, at: at, text: text }; }, next = function (c, cc) {// If a c parameter is provided, verify that it matches the current character.cc -> check case if (cc) { if (c && c.toLowerCase() !== ch.toLowerCase()) { error("Expected '" + c + "' instead of '" + ch + "'"); } } else { if (c && c !== ch) { error("Expected '" + c + "' instead of '" + ch + "'"); } } // Get the next character. When there are no more characters, // return the empty string. ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }, number = function () {// Parse a number value. var number, string = ''; if (ch === '-') { string = '-'; next('-'); } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { string += ch; next(); } if (ch === '.') { string += '.'; while (next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { string += ch; } } if (ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') { string += ch; next(); if (ch === '-' || ch === '+') { string += ch; next(); } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { string += ch; next(); } } number = +string; if (!isFinite(number)) { error("Bad number"); } else { return number; } }, string = function () {// Parse a string value. var hex, i, string = '', uffff; // When parsing for string values, we must look for " and \ characters. if (ch === '"') { while (next()) { if (ch === '"') { next(); return string; } else if (ch === '\\') { next(); if (ch === 'u') { uffff = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { hex = parseInt(next(), 16); if (!isFinite(hex)) { break; } uffff = uffff * 16 + hex; } string += String.fromCharCode(uffff); } else if (typeof escapee[ch] === 'string') { string += escapee[ch]; } else { break; } } else { string += ch; } } } error("Bad string"); }, white = function () {// Skip whitespace. while (ch && ch <= ' ') { next(); } }, word = function () {// true, false, or null. switch (ch.toLowerCase()) { case 't': next('t', true); next('r', true); next('u', true); next('e', true); return true; case 'f': next('f', true); next('a', true); next('l', true); next('s', true); next('e', true); return false; case 'n': next('n', true); next('u', true); next('l', true); next('l', true); return null; } error("Unexpected '" + ch + "'"); }, value, // Place holder for the value function. array = function () {// Parse an array value. var array = []; if (ch === '[') { next('['); white(); if (ch === ']') { next(']'); return array; // empty array } while (ch) { array.push(value()); white(); if (ch === ']') { next(']'); return array; } next(','); white(); } } error("Bad array"); }, object = function () {// Parse an object value. var key, object = {}; if (ch === '{') { next('{'); white(); if (ch === '}') { next('}'); return object; // empty object } while (ch) { key = string(); white(); next(':'); if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) { error('Duplicate key "' + key + '"'); } object[key] = value(); white(); if (ch === '}') { next('}'); return object; } next(','); white(); } } error("Bad object"); }; value = function () { // Parse a JSON value. It could be an object, an array, a string, a number, // or a word. white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return object(); case '[': return array(); case '"': return string(); case '-': return number(); default: return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ? number() : word(); } }; // Return the json_parse function. It will have access to all of the above // functions and variables. return function (source, reviver) { var result; text = source; at = 0; ch = ' '; result = value(); white(); if (ch) { error("Syntax error"); } return typeof reviver === 'function' ? function walk(holder, key) { var k, v, value = holder[key]; if (value && typeof value === 'object') { for (k in value) { if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) { v = walk(value, k); if (v !== undefined) { value[k] = v; } else { delete value[k]; } } } } return reviver.call(holder, key, value); }({ '': result }, '') : result; }; }()); window.hgJSonParse = json_parse;})(window);
① P21第一段代码中的if语句有错,应该是if(typeof Object.create !== 'function')。英文版中统一使用的是Object.create,非修订版中统一使用的是Object.target,而修订版中只有这个地方判断的时候用的是Object.target,其他地方都是Object.create